My understanding is that the ABA has been assisting in the evaluation of candidates for a long time, though in years past they took a more proactive role in that they would recommend specific candidates to the president. Any opinions on whether the ABA can make their evaluation and recommendation in a non-partisan manner?
The 2004-05 Standing Committee, having determined that Judge Roberts has impeccable
integrity and the finest judicial temperament and meets the highest standards of professional
competence, unanimously concluded that Judge Roberts is Well Qualified for appointment to
the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the 2005-06 Standing Committee is unanimously of the
opinion that Judge Roberts is Well Qualified to assume the administrative and leadership
responsibilities of Chief Justice of the United States. These two unanimously Well-Qualified
ratings, when considered together, provide the Senate Judiciary Committee with the Standing
Committee's comprehensive evaluation.
In sum, the Standing Committee's two recently completed independent peer-review
evaluations of Judge Roberts have satisfied the Standing Committee that Judge Roberts
meets the highest professional standards and is Well Qualified for appointment as Chief
Justice of the United States.