“Following Lenin's democratic centralism, the Communist parties were organized on a hierarchical basis, with active cells of members as the broad base...”
Similar to “cells” churches have become intertwined with politics and openly espouse RW political ideology as being consistent with the faitj and patriotism.
How do we fight with the grass roots, every town, every other corner infiltration by RW propagandists who have condition voters to believe that conservatism is the way ?
Come on this is radical and it seems un American:” leaders who will answer not to voters, but to God. “
Of course the clergy will speak for God here on earth.
This is a big cause for the red state map.
......“The Family Research Council (FRC) champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society.
Government has a duty to promote and protect marriage and family in law and public policy.
The American system of law and justice was founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic.
American democracy depends upon a vibrant civil society composed of families, churches, schools, and voluntary associations. “
.................. “Grooming Politicians for Christ
Nearly every Monday for six months, as many as a dozen congressional aides — many of them aspiring politicians — have gathered over takeout dinners to mine the Bible for ancient wisdom on modern policy debates about tax rates, foreign aid, education, cloning and the Central American Free Trade Agreement. Through seminars taught by conservative college professors and devout members of Congress, the students learn that serving country means first and always serving Christ. They learn to view every vote as a religious duty, and to consider compromise a sin. That puts them at the vanguard of a bold effort by evangelical conservatives to mold a new generation of leaders who will answer not to voters, but to God. “