Edited on Mon Sep-19-05 02:04 PM by maxrandb
Even though their kids can be punk-ass, drug abusing, pieces of shit, they have money and power. That prevents them from being a "drag" on society.
See, that's how it works. If you're poor and you get in trouble...YOU MAY NEVER GET YOUR LIFE BACK!!! If you're rich and powerful, and you get in trouble...YOU HAVE A SAFETY NET IN THE FORM OF MOM AND DAD's CHECK-BOOK!!!
Look at our illustrious pretzledent. If you or I, (assuming we neither have parents or friends with $ millions at their disposal) failed in a business venture, we would have to pick ourselves up by our boot-straps, file bankruptcy (if we still could), and struggle to get our lives back in order. This pretzledent has failed at EVERY single things he has tried, and repeatedly, one of daddy's friends has slapped a "golden parachute" onto his back.
The only reason Rush Limbaugh isn't on a street corner giving out $5 hand-jobs for his drug addiction, is because the stupid Freepers listen to his sorry ass. With their support, he can buy his drugs in bulk!
That's why my new slogan is: "Support the War on Drugs...Stop Listening to Rush!"