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You all were right, Tucker Carlson is a ‘ho.

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Reciprocity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:19 PM
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You all were right, Tucker Carlson is a ‘ho.
So I used to watch him on CNN. I thought I knew where he stood on every issue (no need to ask) until he moved over to MSNBC. I would watch him from time to time and had reassessed my view of him as I didn’t always know where he stood anymore, and had gone as far as to agree with him many times. Something I might add, I never did when he was on CNN.

Many here pointed out what a phony he was and he would say anything he was paid to say. So after they changed his time from eight to ten central, I forgot about him because of the Daily Show is on at the same time. Tonight during the commercials on the Daily Show, I switched over to Tucker's show to see how things were going. Well you all had it right, he was back to his nasty verbally abusive self. Why the change? My guess is when he followed Keith Obermann he was leaning liberal because, Keith’s audience is liberal. However now that he follows Scarborough, he is back to being conservative again. So much for principles.
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Maat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:21 PM
Response to Original message
1. Interesting ...
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:25 PM
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2. I saw a bit of his show tonight and you are right, he flipped again.
I had thought his coverage of Katrina was showing signs of life. However, now his tight little bowtie appears to be cutting off blood flow to his cerebral cortex again.

He actually said, while talking to Rev. Jackson, that "no one anticipated the levees breaking" and asserted that the evacuees "would have been better off from an entitlement standpoint if they had continued to be called refugees". He challenged Jackson on this point and of course Jackson corrected him by explaining that these people are citizens and that accords them a different status and treatment than refugees.
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Peggy Day Donating Member (859 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:27 PM
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3. he certainly doesn't mind halliburton making lots of money
and he doesn't let Rachael Maddow get too many words in
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Reciprocity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:35 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I love Rachael. What a smart, articulate women.
I was starting to get wise to him, when I notice that when he needed a fill-in for himself he never asked Rachael. He would have that blonde conservative however.
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:41 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Rachel rox! She should have her own show. n/t
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andino Donating Member (668 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 11:49 PM
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6. MSNBC Can't Have BOTH of their RePukes against Bush.
How will they ever get their ratings up if Scumbrough and Tucker are BOTH in a tizzy over Bush?

It really is all about ratings and money. And to be honest, they really don't have a mind. They do as they are told. I'm willing to bet that if you were to toss enough money in these scum bags way you could get them to preach about 'how Communism is the wave of the future'...

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Raster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 12:02 AM
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7. Get your fucker carlson knee pads...and you too can whore along
with the bowtie boy.

BTW fucker, John Stewart won an Emmy last night. You got what... brown lipstick?

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Laelth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 12:16 AM
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8. I lost all respect for Tucker KKKarlson ...
Edited on Tue Sep-20-05 12:17 AM by Laelth
... in 2000 when he was fawning over KKKatherine Harris (the partisan hack SOS of Florida who certified a clearly fabricated vote total that gave * his first term in office).

Tucker is revolting, and she's no charmer either. :puke:


Edit:Laelth--fixed bad link.
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DemBones DemBones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 12:28 AM
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9. Tonight, he was talking about "so-called civil rights leaders"

who complained about evacuees being called refugees.

Tucker is a so-called journalist.
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