...they are SO much better at getting their names out than we are.Here in New Hampshire an even tax was layed across the state to fund schooling.In no time at all,with help from the states largest newspaper,towns with larger tax rolls were dubbed as "donor" towns.These were towns forced to pay more for education than they received back from the state.Lets look at WHY they become "donor towns".Alton NH has NO major infrastructure-no jobs,no major food markets past an IGA,no high school (till a multi district job this year) and the nearest hospital is 12-15 miles away.The tax base is essentially vacation home owners.They shop in my industrial city 20 miles down the line (Hannaford/MarketBasket) and have their medical services done in our (non-profit) hospital here.Everything in the town is about owning/taxing waterfront out of staters whose kids are never there past Labor Day... or Newington...All industry and malls.The Actual Population is Damn near zip...or Rye Castle...a suburb without ANY commercial enterprises...no store, no industry....all that is left to surrounding towns-The fact that EVERY house is worth over a million dollars doesn't count! In short all my examples are "PARASITE" towns-without their lesser neighbors they could not exist-no place to work-no place to shop-no healthcare....or an industry rich area with NOTHING to support a population. But the paper STILL calls them "DONOR" towns and descries their abuse at the hands of the state...sometimes I wish we were allowed to erect walls..