For Immediate Release: September 20, 2005 Contact: Amaya Smith 202-863-8148
Dean Statement on the Death of Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Survivor and Human Rights Activist
Washington, DC - Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean who recently visited Yad Vashem, Israel's memorial to the Holocaust, issued the following statement on the death of Simon Wiesenthal: "Today, we mourn the death of a heroic and brave world figure. For decades, Simon Wiesenthal was a champion for justice performing thankless and tireless works, fighting against anti-Semitism, racism, terrorism and genocide. As a survivor of the Holocaust, Wiesenthal became a voice for other Holocaust survivors and victims throughout the world. When the Holocaust ended, Wiesenthal assumed the heavy burden of seeking and bringing to justice Nazi war criminals who had committed crimes of persecution and genocide. During a lifetime spent fighting against anti-Semitism and prejudice, he realized that 'there is no freedom without justice.' As I was reminded at Yad Vashem after laying a wreath in the Hall of Remembrance, all generations are obligated to fight the dark side of humanity that allowed the Holocaust to happen. Simon Wiesenthal's life, spent fighting for human rights, equality and justice, will continue to inspire generations of future leaders across the globe." ###
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