Okay, I admit it, I’m posting this cuz I like the term “co-porkers”. To that I think we should add multi-porkers and pile-o-porkers; and for the cynics who hate all politicians equally, poli-porkers. Oh, and in light of the Safavian indictment, fried-porker.
Back to Delay & Young…
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Citizens Against Government Waste(CAGW) today named House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska) Co-Porkers of the Month for their response to requests to offset the costs of Hurricane Katrina relief. According to a Sept. 14 Washington Times article, Rep. DeLay declared an "ongoing victory" in the effort to cut spending, and that the Republicans had "pared (the government) down pretty good." While claiming to be receptive to proposed offsets, DeLay said that "nobody has been able to come up with any yet." He added that cutting the 6,000 earmarks in the recently-passed $295 billion Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU) would adversely affect "important infrastructure" and the economy, and it would be "right" to borrow the money to pay for Katrina relief.
Rep. Young had a much more curt response when asked by a Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reporter about redirecting the combined $450 million for the Gravina Island and Knik Arm (renamed Don Young's Way) bridges to hurricane victims: "They can kiss my ear." He then called such a request the "dumbest thing I've ever heard."
Rep. Young added insult to this injury to taxpayers -- and common sense -- by stating that Louisiana did quite well in the highway bill (failing to note changed circumstances, like the lack of a bridge over Lake Pontchartrain) and that he had helped the seafood industry raise $50,000 for hurricane victims. The money came from a Sept. 9 charity golf tournament in Roslyn, Wash., yet Young said "I raised enough money to give back to them voluntarily, and that's it." These comments came several days after a spokesman for Young called the pork for relief idea "moronic."
Oh, Mr. Young, what were you thinking?? My my, that’s gonna leave a mark.