Did the Germans who suffered under Hitler hate the land they loved and nurtured, their amazing, central history in the development of Europe over centuries, their fascinating culture, because some asshole perverted it? Sure, they felt some shame, but hey, they moved on and remembered, regretted, apologized, and created anew. Did the Russians, with their rich and colorful history, hate the land and the population because they had to endure a load of crap for decades upon decades? The Japanese, same thing--asshole nationalists, screwing up a magnificent and fascinating culture...they've moved on too.
America is a GREAT country. We are SO diverse, we are creative, and despite the current climate where we are ruled by fucking thief-shitbirds, we are still the same folks, just IN CHAINS. We need to break those chains, toss out these assholes, and let America be America again.
BTW, I feel your pain. When Newt shut down Congress, all the civvies left us (under pain of expulsion, because liability insurance no longer applied). I did enjoy seeing assholes of all paygrades and Services who liked to bark orders struggling at a keyboard (or more likely, trying to con someone junior to them to help them out) for that period of time, to be honest.
But back to the point. You do NOT HATE YOUR COUNTRY. You despise this HIDEOUS REGIME.
There IS a difference.
Your country is you, me, and all the people on this forum, the people you know and care about, the ones you don't know who are doing good works.
The assholes are in the minority, and there will come a day when even the most ardent Monkey supporter will claim, in retrospect, that they never really liked the guy. It happened in other dictatorships, it will happen with this one.
Time and struggle will make it happen.
Take heart, stay strong.