This is not a "blame" issue. To use the terminology of the real, professional first responders - we want a real "hot debrief" - "after action report" - "lessons learned."
Those of us in the "flood plain" and "between the fault lines" - between the San Andreas (as in North Ridge and Loma Prieta) and Hayward/Calaveras Faults in the Guadalupe River-Coyote Creek-Alviso Creek flood plain (the "VIII" region in red at the foot of SF Bay) - are in an area that is even more at risk then even New orleans from flooding or NY from a terror attack. And we do join, and train, and prepare.
And we want to know what went wrong - so we can improve our preparedness. This is not some Rovian "turd blossom" blame game. This is a deadly serious issue - we want our "hot debrief" - "after action report" - "lessons learned" to improve our own training and preparedness.