I suppose we need a similar effort on behalf of Tim Kaine. Tim is committed to the common man. He spent time doing missionary work in Honduras. There was a debate last week between Tim Kaine(D) and Jerry Kilgore(R) in which Tim Kaine came out as the most intelligent of the two. In fact, Tim Russert of NBC's Meet The Press was the moderator. He asked Kilgore about the abortion issue. If Roe v. Wade were overturned and the decisions were returned to the states, would you introduce a law to make it a crime in Virginia to have or perform an abortion. Jerry Kilgore told Tim Russert that that was a hypothetical question and he couldn't answer it. So Tim Russert came back with another hypothetical question, "If the general assembly were to pass a bill raising taxes would you support it?" Kilgore said immediately, without hesitation, "I would veto it!" Tim Russert said, "That's a hypothetical question." Informing Kilgore that he would answer other hypothetical questions, but would duck the one on abortion. Kilgore didn't get it. He continued on the topic of taxes as if that were a real question.
Tim Kaine is the LT. Gov. He has been in office at the time Virginia has obtained the status of the best managed state in the union. The current Gov, Mark Warner(D) has had to make some pretty strong cuts in the state spending to counter the spending liberties the previous Republican Gov (Gilmore) took with the budget. Virginia has always been a state of fiscal responsibility, but let a Republican get in there and suddenly the state goes into debt. Go figure. They accuse the Dems of "Tax and Spend" but they Cut taxes and Spend. I don't know how they expect to pay for anything without a source of revenue.
Oh well, I guess some rich Republicans like George Bush don't realize you have to put money in the bank before you can write a check on it. They have always had their trust funds and never had to actually PUT the money IN the bank.
Kilgore says the same things all Republicans say. One thing they say is that they will outlaw abortion. With a Republican appointed Supreme Court, A Republican President and both houses of Congress with a Republican majority, don't you think that would have come up by now? Don't you think they would have actually outlawed it if they wanted to? They don't want to get rid of their best wedge issue. If that issue wasn't around, they might have to face issues like the high costs of medical care and prescription drugs. Someone might actually look into the inheritance tax and realize only really, really wealthy people pay it. If you win the lottery for $1,000,000 you certainly have to pay the taxes on it, but if someone inherits the same amount, it is tax free -- in fact, twice that amount is tax free next year. Those poor, poor millionaires who have to pay taxes on unearned income over TWO MILLION DOLLARS! Don't you feel sorry for them? Kilgore does. He doesn't think they owe society a thing. Kilgore does not want to take responsibility for anything either. He wants to have a referendum for everything. I thought that was why we voted for people, so they would pay attention to the details and make the informed decisions. If we have to vote on everything that comes up, why do we need to pay the Governor and state representatives? Do you remember the issues that were on the Virginia ballot last November? There were two to change the state constitution. There were local issues that may have been on your ballot as well. Do you think you need to go to the polls every month or so to stand in line like you did in November and quickly read over the issue and decide on it? Jerry Kilgore wants you to, so he doesn't have to.
There is only one thing I would like to vote on that has never been offered to the voters. I would like to vote on whether or not congress (or our state representatives) can give itself a pay raise.