Admitting mistakes seems to be the fashion among Republicans now. The Governator has followed the Shrub*s example., let's do inventory.
Mr. Nixon relied 100% on the Shah of Iran to keep Iran in the US camp, regarding Islamist opposition as insignificant. WUPS!
G.H.W. Bush, as CIA director, set up Saddam as ruler of Iraq, regarding him as a predictable and less of a problem than the alternatives. WUPS!
Reagan built up both Saddam and al-Qaeda as opponents of Iranian Islamism and the Soviets, regarding them as harmless to American interests. WUPS!
G.H.W. Bush, as president, let Saddam believe that his siezure of Kuwait would be tolerated, then had to reverse his ground when Saddam actually did it. WUPS!
G.W. Bush and Cheyney downplayed terrorism preparedness in 2001, regarding the threat as "serious but not urgent." WUPS!
G.W. Bush corrected his father's errors by invading Iraq, confident that there would be no need for longer-term American involvement. WUPS!
And that is just two countries, side by side in the same region. Don't get me started on economic policy and disaster preparedness!
Let's get rid of the WUPS party!