I have seen some of the most amazing witch hunt stories here. I've seen stories about Democrats that would make the Hillary-Space Alien-Bill triangle appear realistic by comparison. There is nonsense regularly posted about electability or about Bogey men in our party that we should be afraid of. What is amazing is that the un-electability nonsense is often used against someone who regularly wins elections by 75%. I have seen the MIHOPers (who based their findings on science and facts rather than blind faith in Bush's word) treated as if they are psychos. Most attacks seem to be aimed at liberals. Perhaps, it's time to stop attacking people here and use this forum to put together facts.
There is enough evidence about Bush and his PNAC friends and what they have been up to, that if we stick together and stop attacking the liberals in our party, we can bring him down. We also need to be more supportive of people who can assist us with knocking him down. I remember a situation where a woman had some pretty nasty stuff to say about Bush and the number one reaction here was she must be insane for saying those terrible things about Bush - even though those who had interviewed her thought she was quite normal. As for the liberals in Congress, in case no one has noticed it, they are the ones who are doing the best job of standing up to Bush. Without them, we would have tyranny.