Bush’s Words on Iraq Echo LBJ in 1967: “We Shall Stay the Course”
September 21st, 2005
There have been suggestions and comparisons made regarding the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. The Bush administration always discounts those comparisons. However, AP writer Douglass K. Daniel, has put together a comparison of Bush on Iraq and LBJ on Vietnam in 1967, that shows striking similarites.
“America is committed to the defense of South Vietnam until an honorable peace can be negotiated,” Johnson told the Tennessee Legislature on March 15, 1967. Despite the obstacles to victory, the president said, “We shall stay the course.”
After 14 Marines died in a roadside bombing on Aug. 3, Bush declared: “We will stay the course, we will complete the job in Iraq. And the job is this: We’ll help the Iraqis develop a democracy.”