And both need to be said, read, and spread.
Hopefully our spineless ones will be able to detect which way the wind is blowing, and bend accordingly - back toward where WE are. It depends on how swiftly they recognize that bush is no longer Mr. Invincible, and then how willing they are to go for the jugular. Some of them will probably be clinging to the comfort zone they got used to - you kowtow to bush and ask him "how low?" every time he says "bend over." Some habits are hard to break. Especially for the "knee-jerk jerks." But they'll get the idea soon enough.
Once they see bush is NOT able to pull out of this, and that he's dragging the republi-CONS down with him, more of them may get the "oh YEAH? Well, you're not so tough!" attitude. That's what we need. Some of them are there now. Others are so gunshy or easily intimidated that they'll believe tom delay for just a few days or weeks more... there are ALWAYS late arrivals. Just look at george.