So I ask him where he's stationed, and he says he's just finished basic training at Fort Sills, Okla., and is on his way home for a couple of months leave before shipping out to Iraq. My heart drops.
I had chosen to fly home myself on that day - Sept. 10 - because I couldn't bear the thought of flying on Sept. 11, but here I was, seated next to someone who would be sent into a combat zone because of that terrorist attack four years ago
This article appeared in our local paper today and I was sickened by the linking of 911 to the invasion of Iraq. I will be e-mailing Ms. Eng to let her know that her lies in the newspaper are reprehensible.
Her e-mail address is at the bottom of the article if anyone else wishes to let her in on the fact that 911 isn't linked to the invasion of Iraq except as a series of lies told by the White House.