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Update on Fight Against the 21st Century Poll Tax

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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 02:53 PM
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Update on Fight Against the 21st Century Poll Tax
Blogged by JC on 09.22.05 @ 06:21 PM ET

Update on Fight Against the 21st Century Poll Tax

As I posted earlier, I have changed my website, into an action center to respond to the Baker-Carter proposal to institute a new National ID voting card: the 21st Century Poll Tax. On the site, over 10,000 people have signed the petition demanding that Speaker Hastert exclude this provision from any voting rights legislation. Over 150 people have also used our site to send letters to the editor to their local papers. If you haven't yet, please visit my site and make your voice be heard.

Congressman John Lewis has introduced a resolution, H Con Res 247, expressing the sense of Congress that the use of Voting ID cards has not demonstrated any success in ensuring ballot integrity. I have cosponsored this bill with the following Members: Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. FILNER, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. HOYER, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. EMANUEL, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. STARK, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. HONDA, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. PELOSI, and Mr. CAPUANO.

I also filmed an episode of John McLaughlin's show, One on One, discussing Katrina, racism and the John Roberts confirmation hearing. We were also able to discuss other topics including a report on Katrina relief that I had the Congressional Research Service conduct as well as the Downing Street Minutes. The show will air Sunday morning on NBC at 10am and on PBS as well. I'll provide the airtime for PBS shortly.

For links to related posts, go to the John Conyers group at
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StopThief Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 03:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. What if the ID cards. . .
were free? Would there still be a problem with verifying voters?
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mikelewis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 12:04 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Free is irrelevant - a poll tax doesn't always cost money...
A poll tax is 10 hour wait to vote. A poll tax is having GOP goons accost you and ask for 2 forms of I.D. as if you've committed a crime. A poll tax is the other 49 states thinking your just dumb negroes cause you can't punch a chad. This is just a new way to discourage people from voting. It's a weak fix at best and another way to disenfranchise millions at worse. It's a terrible idea and Carter knows it. I'm not mad at Baker, I knew he would protect the selection system. Carters acceptance of this is surprising and a little irritating.
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Marnieworld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 03:15 PM
Response to Original message
2. kicking
ID cards=bad
Paper ballots and voter verification=good.

There. I just made more sense than the entire Carter-Baker report.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 11:53 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Are you sure?
If the cards were free, would that not be a service to poor people who have a great deal of trouble cashing checks and doing other financial transactions?
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