1.- The job of evacuation and planning for one is partially the job of the individual, aka family plan, but when you are talking of a large metropolitan area the problems we are seeing are purely based with self evacuation. The roads cannot handle the traffic, and obviously mandatory evacuations must be done by NG, using NG resources, moving 1.5 million people out of the area of concern that don't have the discipline of three Army Divisions, the equivalent, is going to be a nightmare. Hell moving three army divisions is always a nightmare but with those you have the troops who have a certain discipline which makes it easier. (And the transports which should have been used for this... federalize the airport 72 hours before and use army transports to fly people out, starting with those who can't) Buses and two ton trucks can also be used... we have the resources to send a Carrier Battle Group to a tsunami, but we cannot do this in the United States? See the lack of logic here?
2.- This is the important point... they said they would be able to do this at the drop of a hat and this is why DHS was formed... at least this was the major selling point.. to push for DHS and during the elections... so tell me exactly what they have been doing over the last four years? You'd think that planning to evac likely targets of a terra attack (Houston is on any body's secondary list due to the oil production facilities) would be a priority, with a side effect that you could do this in case of Rita coming to visit.... so when you scream at your Congress critters as I have been doing over the last month or so, emphasize this point...
3.- FEMA was not formed by North and Company for Camps,. it was formed by President Carter for disaster use... under Republicans they see the potential for repression, under Democrats it works as intended... point is.. you want the government to be there when a disaster strikes, don't elect Republicans, even for dog catcher.
4.- and fully secondary point, most Americans don't plan ahead anymore because we are in some ways used to being taken care off... damn democrats... when Floyd came in, things were done well... Andrew and Katrina, a whole different story.
5.- This is the time to review your family evac plan... and disaster plan... hell I know tom and I will since he is an essential worker, so I need to fend for myself in case of a disaster (with the birds),