March? Hmmm? How many would attend then?
If Boxer and Byrd and Kennedy and Kerry and McCulskey to name some randomly called for an impeachment march? Oh, wait they're Senators, that would be impolite.
Ok, how about if the House Judiciary Dems. called for a demonstration of No Confidence, or in support of a real investigation of all the travesties and woe visited upon the general populace?
How many would show then?
What if the Congressional Black Caucus called for an impeachment demonstration?
How about the good Dr.? What if he were to call a DNC officially sanctioned demonstration to shout SHAME!
How. Many. Then?
Folks, if one of 'em stands up to sing a bar, people will think they're crazy.
If say two of em stood up and sang a bar of Alice's resturant well, then people would start to notice.
And if three or more people started singing, in 3 part harmony, why the folks would think it's a movement.
How many would show?
I had a vision of a million people standing on The Mall singing Alice's Resturant in three part harmony.
The demand? No More Nothing! No Supreme appointments. No Halliburton contracts. Nada. Zip. Zilch. And that means Democrat pork too!
A call to mercilessly prosecute the criminal acts of those who work for We The People! I want a prosecution like McCarthy's, except substitute Corruption for Commiunist!
Here's a good start: call for Immediate impeachment hearings in the House. Sibel testifies on C-Span. Classified info is revealed to the Committee and reviewed to see if it's really classified or embarrassing. It is also provided to the prosecutors of the trials of the accused.