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The Deans...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
frustrated_lefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 11:06 PM
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The Deans...
Judy is a twinkle in all our eyes. No North-eastern liberal, this is a doctor who still makes house calls. She won't be mortgaging her home to finance her husband's political ambitions.

Dean staunched the flow of blood in New Hampshire, he started to rebound. This now becomes a campaign based on funds, more than anything. I think Dean will do poorly on the 3rd, but very well on the 7th. We're looking at a brokered convention.

That's one of the worst things we could hope for, but that's what we're facing.

I'm disgusted by the fact only 17-20% of Kerry supporters feel Kerry will stand up for what he believes, whereas >60% of Dean supporters feel he will stand up for what he believes. Why the hell aren't people voting their convictions? Off-camera, Tweetie commended Dean for being the only dem with the balls to stand up to Bush.

Like him or not, Dean has raised the bar, his wife is idyllic, and the primary is on.

Congrats to Kerry supporters, condolences to Edwards and Clark supporters. I will undoubtably say nasty things about your guys in the days to come, but they served their party well tonight.
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lancdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 11:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. Where did you get the figure that only 17-20 percent
of Kerry supporters think he'll stand up for what he believes in? BTW, I seriously doubt there will be a brokered convention because the primaries are so close together momentum means a lot.
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cprise Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 11:33 PM
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2. Bush is getting mauled with all these Dems
...trying to prove the need for change in essentially liberal terms.

They are keeping very embarrassing subjects alive in the public mind, and framing the debate in a way that a failing Bush admin won't be able to counter.

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