I was just thinking about a caller who called in to Jerry Springer a couple weeks ago. He was a republican, and after failing to make more direct arguments said we should all just come together and help the victims of Katrina. Jerry agreed with him on that point.
There's just one problem. Every time "we all come together" somebody gets fucked. After 9/11 when we all came together, everyone in America that wasn't super rich (95% or us) got fucked with the war in Iraq which was made possibly at least in part because we all came together - in other words we stopped questioning and arguing.
After Katrina, we didn't all come together as much. But people still got fucked! Contracts are going out to big, connected corporations. New Orleans gets built back up as a white's only city (I'm white, BTW). The Army gets to act domestically in future disasters. And on, and on.
Bush only cares about issues that he can use to forward his agenda. More money to the rich, more power to the republicans, gutting social programs that help people other than the rich. He only cares about victims of disasters (natural or terrorist) in as much as it would hurt him politically not to care, and to reduce his political strength. When he gives speeches messing up words and not looking really involved, it's because he isn't. Other people write the words for him to utter and he delivers them. That's really as far as he feels like he needs to go.
So next time somebody tells you we should all just come together, tell them the store ran out of vaseline, just before they ran out of duct tape.