The Ground Rules is the Same for the Village up to the Town, City, State, Nation, Group of Nations, Planet.
Have we forgotten the Village Years? Where we elect/select Leaders who really LEAD? And ya could tell Village from Village, which ones prosper and which ones still tryin...
Villagers who gather strength by funding new and better bridges, water systems, etc usually are the better villages, having more time for leisure and recreation....
Sometimes, the peeps pick a Lemon and the Leader turns out sour ... Vllage looks bad...bridges need repair, water pollution level rising. Negates all previous good works with internal village conflict... keeping himself/herslef in power... The Sins of Greed, Lust, Gluttony, False Witness, Theft, etc...Bad Leadership, Malfeasance, Tardiness, etc...
We have lost rack of the Basic Village Foundation: Know How to Pick Um.. Know How to Deal a New hand....
Come, we go add your sins ....if you may/wish....
:bounce: :toast: :beer; :)