that you'd be interested in. Maybe I should start a thread about it, but there are so many today.
Apparently, Sharpton has a right wing hit person, Roger Stone, who feeds him stuff about candidates--particularly the stuff about Dean and the minority cabinet person. Here is the link here are a few paragraphs of the article:
I have respect for genuine differences of opinion among the candidates, but this action of Sharpton's is completely self-serving. Sharpton's desire for power shows that he is willing to play into the hands of the people he claims to oppose in an effort to "rise to the prize" - even if it means the defeat of the party of which he claims to be a member. To be sure, that defeat is certainly the goal of the Rovian Confederate Fascists and their slathering Greedy Oligarchy Party.
In an effort to maintain the vast power this cabal has attained while the American people slept, the GOP has amply demonstrated that there is no trick too low, no person above being used, no principle that is inviolate. And Rev. Sharpton, blinded by his own ambition, equal in nature and intensity to George Warmonger Bush's desire for the appearance of a legitimate electoral victory, now demonstrates that he is willing to debase himself in his quest, which makes him just like they are.
If there really was a Democratic National Committee (Terry McAuliff, call your office - your resignation letter is awaiting your signature), this should prompt the party to withdraw all support form Al Sharpton, and to begin the ouster of such people as Sharpton and Zell Miller, among too many others.