But then, he only lost 39 states...and we lost the Lt. Governorship for the first time in 110 years.
John Kerry will slowly "bleed"--politically, that is--under attack from "Chip" Rove & Co. They won't use one or two "blasts" as they would need with a Howard Dean; they will do it with gradual, and well-placed, shots from "sniper hits"-type attacks on issues, and on non-issues. Kerry will be hit on character, among other things; strange line of attack from an Admin. that is chock full of pathological liars, but their model is right out of the late Lee Atwater's playbook from '88. The Bush campaign that year was successful in making the campaign a "Seinfeld"-type race: a campaign about "nothing", or non-issues. It worked because Dukakis' campaign was clueless about how to fend of attacks, chose to ignore them, and turned a 127-point post Dem. convention lead over Poppy into an eventual 11-point defeat. Kerry will likewise wilt like a tall pine fed Round-Up herbicide at its roots for 90 days.
I'm not into politics for "style points", I want someone who will not only be able to WIN in November, but will be able to GOVERN in 2005 and beyond. Kerry has too many enemies even in his own party to achieve that, and has been less-than-honest with voters too many times. Don't believe it? If he gets the nomination, just watch it all happen, despite all our good intentions to get him elected.
When Democratic leaders in states worth approx 162 Electoral votes won't even mention their Party's nominee's name in the fall campaign, that hurts all the way down the Ticket. And, to boot, it would put Dub only 108 Electoral votes away from victory; forcing us to spend all our time nationally going after Ohio, New Hampshire, W. Va., Colorado and Kentucky. Which of those states do you really think we can win with John Kerry as our nominee? Enough to elect him president? Not likely!
But voters in states over the next month have the opportunity to wise up, and to vote for someone who CAN go after not only those states, but actually give us an opportunity to win states below the Ohio River and Potomac Rivers, and the Mo./Ark or Kans./Okla. borders. That candidate is MY candidate, Wesley Kanne Clark, and he WILL be an exceptional president.