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Responsibly Rebuilding the Gulf Coast
Dear (),
Last Friday, I visited the Gulf Coast with a congressional delegation to meet with survivors. They obviously need all of the help we can give them. Vicki recently urged you to donate to charities that are helping with the relief effort, and we're both grateful for anything you can do to provide help for the people of these devastated communities to rebuild their homes, their lives, and their future
It's essential to see that Congress and the Administration act responsibly in meeting this vast challenge as well. Initial controversies make clear, however, that inappropriate partisan efforts are likely to undermine the all-important process of recovery and reconstruction.
The Bush Administration and the Republican Congress are adamantly refusing to cooperate in supporting an independent investigation of the causes of the inadequate preparations and early responses to the tragedy, and there is little accountability for the billions of federal dollars being appropriated for the response.
Some have even said that this is the time to turn the Gulf Coast into a conservative laboratory of national and economic social policy. I say no. Now is the time to help the people of this region rebuild themselves. believe it's essential that the recovery effort be carried out as effectively as possible, and I've proposed the creation of a special organization - a Gulf Coast Redevelopment Authority to bring everyone together to create a common plan and vision for the new Gulf Coast. What I heard over and over on my visit is that local people want a voice in their own future. They don't want big outside companies with political connections to call the shots.
That's why the goal of the Gulf Coast Redevelopment Authority would be to coordinate the redevelopment efforts with appropriate state and local guidance, create jobs, and give Gulf Coast residents the means to rebuild their communities and their lives.
We should also owe it to our fellow citizens along the Gulf to get it right. We should seek the advice of the world's best experts on flood control, modern communications and utilities, urban and community development, and more. We should preserve the best of the past and the region's culture and heritage, but also rebuild with an eye to the future, too. everyone around a common table is the only realistic way to enable the nation to come together and support the people of the Gulf Coast with worthwhile jobs in the modern economy, and provide opportunity and hope that is so urgently needed.
Thank you so much for your involvement and concern,
Edward M. Kennedy