Fletcher puts political consultant on state payroll
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/K/KY_FLETCHER_POLITICAL_CONSULTANT_KYOL-?SITE=KYLOU&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2005-09-28-11-49-52 FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Gov. Ernie Fletcher has put his New Jersey political consultant on the state payroll, according to a spokeswoman.
Brett Hall, who was first hired by Fletcher's re-election campaign, has been consulting with Fletcher on boosting his public image. Fletcher's campaign has also hired a Texas consultant, Bill Kenyon.
Now, Hall will be working for the state, spokeswoman Jodi Whitaker said.
Whitaker said she didn't know how to answer the question of whether Hall had an office at the Capitol.
Meeting is sought on GOP chairman
Inaction on Brock irks precinct leader
http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050928/NEWS0104/509280446/1008/NEWS01FRANKFORT, Ky. -- A Republican precinct captain in Jefferson County is pushing a grass-roots move in the party to reconsider whether Darrell Brock should remain as state chairman.
But Brock said yesterday that he has no interest in taking up the issue again.
Gov. Ernie Fletcher called for Brock's ouster earlier this month when he fired nine administration officials, citing poor judgment involving the state hiring system.
But at a meeting three days later, the state Republican Party's Executive Committee declined to move against Brock.