Kurt Nimmo, in his article, Jackbooted Police State Emerging in New Orleans, writes about an interview which Jeremy Scahill gave to Amy Goodman (Democracy Now! | The Militarization of New Orleans) which mentions the mosquito spray, Naled. Mr. Nimmo, giving various sources, notes that such “chemicals are carcinogens and induce ‘structural chromosome aberrations’.” He adds: “the military seems to be using NALED (and who knows what other chemicals) with the same cavalier disregard they used Agent Orange (a herbicide) in Vietnam.” Quite.
Naled has been used mostly on cotton and grapes. “Aerial applications can last for several days and can drift up to half a mile.” (What about in a strong breeze?) Breathing contaminated air is Naled’s most toxic form. Mosquito spraying uses small droplets, which are about 4x more acutely dangerous than the larger droplets.
(Publications, factsheets, articles NCAP North...
The Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides gives the following list of Naled dangers. They note that females are more sensitive than males, and that malnourished people and asthmatics are especially susceptible.
Prenatal dangers: the organophosphate breakdown of Naled, Dichlorvus, “interferes with prenatal brain development. The brain in tested pregnant animals was affected after 3 days of exposure, showing 15% of reduced brain size.”