love and fear
The purported inevitability of Hillary Rodham Clinton excites some Democrats, but deeply depresses some others, both inside and outside the Beltway.
Her forcefulness and talent — not to mention her well-oiled money machine — bring respect from party insiders and outsiders alike. But there is an undercurrent of unease about the Back to the Future quality of another Clinton candidacy.
Do we really want to relive the Clinton Years? Under their breath, even many Clinton acolytes tend to say “NO.” ................................................
I don't know what Bill Clinton did to these people (MSM) but with what's going on in this country now, to suggest that ANY Democrat prefers life under Republican rule to what we had with Clinton,is diabolical and designed purely to undermine this party. I don't know who he talked to, but Zell Miller and Joe Liberman don't count as Democrats.