via email:
NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds Statement on Ronnie Earle’s Indictment of Rep. Tom DeLay
WASHINGTON — National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Tom Reynolds (NY-26) today issued the following statement in response to Democrat Ronnie Earle’s 11th hour indictment of Majority Leader Tom DeLay:
“The Majority Leader has been a highly effective leader of our conference. Democrats resent Tom DeLay because he routinely defeats them – both politically and legislatively.
“Although much of Ronnie Earle’s investigation has been conducted in secret, we know that he is an unapologetic Democrat partisan. Throughout his three-year scrutiny of the Majority Leader, Earle has been incapable of separating his personal politics from his professional responsibilities. He has used his investigatory powers to energize Democrat activists, and Democrat activists have, in turn, fueled the zeal with which he has pursued DeLay.
“It was only months ago that Ronnie Earle attended a Democrat Party fundraiser in which he openly discussed an ongoing investigation in front of a room full of party activists, and then singled out and attacked a potential target of the investigation. Earle’s unapologetic politicization of the probe prompted the Houston Chronicle to opine that Earle’s behavior has ‘damaged the credibility of his investigation with a stunning display of prosecutorial impropriety.’
“Until Majority Leader Tom DeLay has his day in court, it is vitally important he be afforded the same presumption of innocence afforded to every other American.”
I went ahead and sent this as a reply (like it'll even get through):
"conducted in secret"??
Do you NOT read the news? It's been in the news for 3 years! And, it was a GRAND JURY that handed out the indictments, not Ronnie Earle (who's also prosecuted a dozen Democrats. Hardly an "anapologetic Democrat partisan".
The purview of apologetics belongs to the GOP.
Tommy Boy did wrong, now it's time to pay the piper!