Edited on Wed Sep-28-05 09:22 PM by calimary
here is that you gave a damn enough to write in and question her, and call to her attention that there IS another view, fortunately enough, since hers is completely wrong. And mean-spirited. Looks like she tried the nit-picking thing that Tim Russert tried against Aaron Broussard - for which Broussard did NOT let him get the last word, or get any word in at all that wasn't boldly and forthrightly challenged.
What's important here is that you actually took the time to write - and let her know that her words are not falling on 100% unquestioning ears. I think one of the big problems with people like her on wrong-wing radio is that she's spoiled. She and others exclusively of her ilk are used to having the playground all to themselves, with others either locked out or pushed off to the sides and corners. She, like the rest of them, is used to the dittohead treatment, either from listeners of like mind who call in or from like-minded or backwards-slanted interviewers who have them on their programs - interviewers who should be striving to remain impartial and don't. And if that's all she hears, it is easy and reasonable for people like het to make the next leap in the mind: assuming that their statements all that exists. If you never hear an opposing view, how do you even know there's an opposing view out there? If you never hear a good one from an informed liberal, what would you expect her to think? She NEEDS to hear from you. She's proving her statements unworthy, not "ditto'ed." And she needs to know that.
It's just as with the Saturday protests. Those who loudly huffed and puffed about how THEIRS was the majority view couldn't get it up to more than a few hundred in Washington DC. Seemed rawther clear and irrefutable that the real majority view was the one held by the participants of the OTHER rally - who numbered a few hundred THOUSAND. You tell me which is the majority view, 'eh? Do the math.
You just helped Little Miz Attitude to do the math, Steely_Dan. :yourock: