Q Right. How does the President assess the state of the Republican Party, a party that's got to face voters again in congressional elections --
MR. McCLELLAN: The Republican Party is a party of ideas, and a party of finding solutions to the pressing problems before the American people. The President believes that we are here to lead and to solve problems. That is why we are pressing ahead on the important priorities to get things done for the American people. And that's what we will continue to do. You have a united congressional leadership in the Republican Party that is determined to continue getting things done for the American people, and that's exactly what we'll do. And the President will continue leading on the highest priorities facing the American people. That's what we have continued to do.
Q Does that answer suggest the President just puts his hands over his eyes and over his ears and doesn't pay attention to what is going on in this town?
MR. McCLELLAN: No, absolutely not.
Q Well, then what about --
MR. McCLELLAN: What's going on in Washington is different from what may be going on in America. I know Washington --
Q Okay, in America, the President's political standing is significantly eroded; --
MR. McCLELLAN: Hang on. I'll come to you -- hang on, hang on --
Q -- one of the top Republicans in Congress is now under indictment; you've got the top Republican in the Senate who is under investigation; you've got a leak probe of this White House's activities of releasing secrets. These are difficult days, are they not, for the Republican Party? How does the President assess it; does he worry about it?
MR. McCLELLAN: These are days of important progress for the American people because we're pushing ahead on the priorities that they are most concerned about. The American people are most concerned about making sure that we win the war on terrorism and that we succeed in Iraq, and that we address the issue of high energy prices. And they're most concerned about making sure that the people who have been affected by these hurricanes are taken care of. And those are the priorities that this President is focused on.
There are other priorities, as well, and we continue to move forward on them. But I don't think you can take just a few instances, or a few matters, like you're bringing up, and make broad characterizations. The President isn't one who gets caught up in the weekly polls that go on in this town, or all the focus on who's up, who's down in Washington, D.C. He's focused on solving problems for the American people, and that's what he'll continue to do.
Q Easy for him to do. What about congressional Republicans who have to face voters? You think they go out to their districts and say, oh, yes, well, the Republican Party is the party of ideas and moving forward? Or you think you're a little more worried?
MR. McCLELLAN: I think they will -- I think they will talk about how we are the party --
Q You don't think they're worried about having to face voters in this climate?
MR. McCLELLAN: And we are the party that has advanced an agenda to help the American people and make us safer and stronger and better.