I have no respect for them anymore. They are just a bunch of hacks. They have made a mockery out of constitution and they began their hack job to our votes in 2000. I just ONCE wish I could see some comedians do "Here Come Da Judge" dressed in robed drag with powered wigs, because it is all these people are, a cartooned joke. I will turn my back on them and do not honor them. They are just pigs in black robes IMO.
I used to work at a university and I found out there that intelligence does not equal wisdom. I think it was Will Rogers who said something like, "...the most dangerous man in the world is someone with a lot of book learning who mistakes that for wisdom..." To me, he was speaking to SCOTUS.
I do not care how smart you are, if you just a shill, all you are is a damn fool.
Cat In Seattle