I know what I will do - which is, continue to support and work for the Gov - I still think he is the best candidate, with the best plans for our country, and the best at articulating issues and taking it to Bush.
Buuuut, if there comes a time when he is out and Edwards is still in, I will work my buns off for him. After Iowa, I had my own doubts about Dean's electability, which, God bless 'im, he tamped down with the super way he came back. But during those moments of doubt, and tonight, I again thought of Edwards.
See, I think that Kerry is a great guy and all that, but I also find it incredibly ironic that people actually believe he has "electable" kinda sown up.
All of US live, eat, and breathe politics. We know issues, and can quote all kinds of stuff, and read, read, read. But the average loyal "Joe Dem" who will go to the polls, doesn't pay that much attention unless their state is a primary one, until closer to November. And of all of the candidates (including, forgive me, Gov) Edwards is the most likable and the most positive. The guy shows such a genuine decency and trust. And he is (again, forgive me, Gov) also the best one to butt heads during a debate. All of his minuses, which we know about, would be trumped by that.
Again, I'm not talking about issues, or whether or not Edwards would even be the best candidate. But when it comes to electability to the general populace, I just don't see any way that Kerry beats Edwards.
eileen from OH