and if it sounds a tad bitter, well so be it.
I'm 53 years old, a mother of 3, grandma to 2 and while always politically aware, have never given to a candidate or party, have never worked for a candidate or party, have never really been involved beyond voting and bitching and writing letters to the editor. For the first time, this election, I've worked my ass off, been an organizing diva, and been damn effective locally, for my candidate.
I've learned that the whole primary (and, in particular) the caucus system sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks.
A handful of people in Iowa (in a combo parish supper/political swap meet) have more say in who gets to be nominated than people who have actual real, live, people-vote-in-'em primaries.
A teeny, tiny state that is as representative of the country as I represent the hip-hop generation, have an undue, completely disproportionate amount of influence.
I live in Ohio, a must-win state by every one's accounting. In the general election, we are always accorded tremendous importance. Jeebus, but we get attention in the GE. Too bad our #$#@#@ primary is so late that we don't get any voice at all in the choice of candidate.
Evidently, we're supposed to suck it up and support the choice of Iowa and New Hampshire and the states whose primaries precede ours. OR, we're supposed to sit back and not get involved until we're told who to support. Which is a goddam recipe for apathy.
Right now, I'm faced with the possibility that I won't even get to VOTE for the guy I've given to, worked for, and supported for a year. And I know I ain't alone. As I write this, bitchin' away, I really feel for all the states whose primaries are even later than ours. Or the Gephardt/Braun supporters in other states, who worked and gave, and didn't even get this far.
Yeah, I know this is politics and this is the way it's always been, blah-blah-blah. And I'm too politically naive to have any answers, although I'd start with this:
- Screw caucuses. If it ain't a primary, with real, live votes from people, skip it. - Screw first-in-the-nation crap. Is this a democracy or a "dibs" contest?
Frankly, I'd trade pissing off Iowans and New Hampshirites for a whole bunch of people who might get involved if they thought it would bloody well MATTER.
Again, I'm naive, a newbie, and knew the rules goin' in and that it wasn't just about winning, doo-dah, doo-dah. And I freely admit to being wholly stoopid about all this. But tonight it REALLY hit me.
Again, I don't have any answers. But I DO know that if the Dems really want people to feel like they have a STAKE in the direction of their party and their country, they oughtta start by taking a good, hard look at how we choose our candidates.
eileen from OH