Edited on Wed Jan-28-04 10:55 PM by Armstead
The "Long March" of the Progressive Democrats by arendt
...."As Mao explained it in his interview with Snow, the ....defeat of Japan took precedence over social revolution ....because it was necessary first to defeat foreign imperialism ....and win independence; only then could the struggle for ....socialism succeed. For that reason he was willing to join ....forces with the Kuomintang (Nationalists) against the ....imperialist enemy. Mao was very convincing. 'For a people ....being deprived of its freedom, the revolutionary task is not ....immediate Socialism but the struggle for independence. ....We cannot even discuss Communism if we are robbed ....of a country in which to practice it.'"
- "Stillwell and the American Experience in China" ....Barbara Tuchman
Armstead asks "how are the progressives going to fight on two fronts: against the GOP and against the entrenched, corrupt leadership of their own party?
One immediate historical precedent comes to mind - China in WW2. At that time, the Japanese military- industrial machine (GOP) was occupying China. The Nationalist Chinese Government under Chaing Kai-shek (DLC Dems) was sort of fighting the Japanese, mostly by fleeing so far away the Japanese wouldn't bother to follow. And, the Chinese Communists under Mao (Progressive Dems) were assailed by both the Japanese and the Nationalists. We all know the history - Mao won. So, the theoretical answer to Armstead's question is that it can be done.
Mao understood that by fighting the Japanese he would attract patriotic Chinese, and he would shame the Nationists. Also, Mao's army was a disciplined, peoples' army, not the brutal, corrupt army of the Nationalist warlords. The leadership was resolute and uncorrupt. It played on the ancient Chinese concept of the "mandate of heaven" to say that legitimacy had been withdrawn from the Nationalists for their corruption.
...."Observing them...when he (Col. George A. Lynch, West ....Point Grad) was traveling in China on leave, he found they did ....not press gang soldiers, did pay them, and did not let them prey ....on the civilian population...As a result, desertions from the ....Kuomintang forces to the Communists were numerous."
This analogy leads me to the following strategy. The Progressives should assail BUSH and the GOP at every turn. They should attack him very hard to earn the respect of the rank and file of the Democratic Party. They should not directly attack the DLC, but only indirectly attack by the good example they set in all their positive dealings with rank-and-file Dems and their ferocity against Republicans.
Mao's council is wise. Fight the imperialists first.
Now before anyone calls me out as a Commie, here is what the American commander in China, General "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell thought about that:
...."Familiar with the plight of the Chinese peasant and ....unfamiliar with Marxism, Stilwell regarded Communists as ....a social phenomenon and a natural outcome of oppression... ....he wrote of the farmers: 'naturally they agitated for a readjustment ....of land ownership and this made them communists - at least ....that is the label put on them...but what they were really after ....was land ownership under reasonable conditions. It is not in ....the nature of Chinese to be communists.'"
So, I put it to you that American workers are naturally agitating for a readjustment of their financial and governmental rights vis a vis the overbearing and corrupt corporations. It is not in the nature of Americans to be Communists; but it is the nature of Americans not to roll over and play dead.