Does Dean want Kerry to win South Carolina?
I think so, perverse as it sounds. a) Dean's strategy, as outlined in the Holiday Inn bar Monday night by Joe Trippi, requires a one-on-one matchup against Kerry, which the Dean camp thinks it can win on insider-vs-outsider grounds--and if that fails (which it probably will) on general Buyer's Remorse grounds. b) If Kerry loses South Carolina, that slows his momentum a bit. But if Kerry wins South Carolina, Edwards' candidacy is dead dead dead, effectively leavng the two-man race Dean desperately needs. It would be such a strategic boost for Dean that I think he should immediatly dispatch hundreds of his orange-hatted just-tell-me-what-to-do volunteers down South to work for ... Edwards! If they do for him what they did for Dean in Iowa (i.e. alienate voters) Kerry will sweep to victory. ... Of course, if it helps Dean for Kerry to win South Carolina that might mean it helps Kerry for Kerry to lose South Carolina (to Edwards)! That would keep Edwards in the race, preventing a single Stop Kerry candidacy. And Edwards, locked into his "positive" image, is unlikely to rip Kerry up the way Dean might. ... Update: Ellis takes exactly the opposite view, arguing that Kerrry must kill Edwards off now. But he dismisses Dean as "finished," which seems a little premature. ...
1:27 A.M.
It was fun, in the early reports, to hear reporters, following the pre-vote story line (and obvious press preference) in trying to subtly portray the N.H. results as an encouraging showing for the talented young John Edwards and a disastrous night for the hapless Wesley Clark, even though both of them got more or less exactly the same number of votes. ... The script was later adjust to accommodate the reality that the numbers were not cooperating....12:58 A.M.