I'll leave the whining and complaining to others. I don't have time if I'm to help win back this party.
I split my 18 hour day between sign holding (visibility) in 7 am 10 degree weather outside Londonderry High, a few hours on the phones and door knocking.
The sign holding that I previously thought useless turned out the most productive for me. We actually had un-decided come up and ask us why they should vote for Dean. I won 2 for sure and maybe 3 others.
Our committee goal was 650 Dean votes and we managed something like 720. The turnout and conversion rate was great, Dean's problem in addition to all the other reasons discussed on DU was the weather. We had wonderful spring like weather in the mid 20's with no snow and light breeze. Perfect voting weather for the not so committed that would stay home in bad weather. Turnout Statewide blew away the record books from 1992. The last time a Senator from Mass. won and a Governor from a small state came in second.
I met some wonderful Clark kids from Columbia U. that were assigned to our polling place. They are really nice kids and take notice, they all said Dean is their second choice.
The Kerry storm troopers from wherever didn't socialize with the rest of us lowly citizens. Everyone else was just having a good time trying to stay warm and not lose it during hours of standing around. Even the weird Bushies were fun.
Which brings up an interesting point.
The Dean Troopers were all out canvassing until 6PM or so statewide and the polling places were covered by volunteers from the local community. We were a bunch of old and young farts from town. The Kerry sign holders, at least at our location, were imports only. Not a single local that I saw and they do have a large organization in town.
I may post more observations from the party etc. but have to get back into trying to make a living.
Remember: Howard Dean is Karl Rove's Worst Nightmare