Very interesting Kerry profile by a Dem Now guest who is a Boston Globe reporter, pretty in-depth stuff.
It ended on a pretty dramatic note. Let me preface this by saying that I admire the bravery Kerry showed both in combat in VietNam and in protesting after -- two things that Bunnypants would NEVER do. W stands for WIMP!
Anyhow it seems that while he was standing up for the Vets, nothing controversial there, he was also making statements regarding the US GI's raping & pillaging in VietNam. I know this is true in many cases and I admire anybody with the guts to say unpleasant truths.
But we can count on the simple-minded Freeps to twist this into anti-military rants! Hold on, it'll be a bumpy ride. Really I don't know how they can compare GWBs keeping the Mexican border safe from the Vietnamese with Kerry's service -- the soldiers on the missions he was on, had a 70% death/injury rate!!