One of those things that came up every four years and was a playground for political junkies and young people who had the time and energy and were looking for fun and excitement... and dates.
I used to think that politics was a kind of a toyland and if the wrong guy got in for awhile, it wouldn't really matter in the long run...after all Nixon came and went and we all survived.
I used to think that this country was so good and it's people so decent that a really bad guy could never have a serious long range effect and that eventually the country would wise up to him.
I used to think that the media (or some in the media) were the watchdogs of democracy.
I don't think any of that anymore... I think this election is life or death... this will be a country of serfs or a country of free people...this will be a bankrupt country, morally and fiscally or a decent inhabitant of this small planet... this will be a country that takes care of its seniors or fools them with phony medical benefits and bogus prescription discount cards... this will be a country run by a corrupt cadre of liars and venals or....decent people chosen in a fair election.
I'm 57 years old...going to be 58 soon. I've sen a fair amount of politics in my day and I have to tell you, especially you young ones, if George W. Bush wins in 2004, we will never have another honest election in this country. It's not just the war or the economy that is a stake...it is our soul and our freedom.
So fight like hell for your candidate but don't miss the main tent for the sideshows and remember that Bush is the consummate ringmaster. When the time comes the choice has to be the right one because I really don't think there is going to be another chance for us.