A Clear Record of Accomplishment on Prescription Drugs
Dean's Record on Prescription Drug Costs
“As a physician, I've seen the suffering caused by this nation’s health care crisis, and as a Governor, I know it can be solved.”
Drug Patent Reform – Governor Dean was founder of Business for Affordable Medicine (BAM), a coalition of governors, business and organized labor with one objective - closing loopholes used by brand name drug manufacturers to prevent or delay lower-priced generic drugs from reaching the marketplace when patents expired. Governor Dean created and coordinated unanimous passage of NGA policy on the need to reform the Hatch-Waxman Act. Thanks to his leadership with other governors, the U.S. Senate and House have included provisions that would close some loopholes in the currently pending Medicare prescription drug bill.
Re-importation for personal use – Governor Dean has endorsed the strategy of United Health Alliance’s Medicine Assist program, enabling U.S. citizens to obtain prescription drugs from Canada via fax. Canadian drug prices are, on average, half those in the United States. Governor Dean has held numerous press conferences encouraging people to take advantage of the plan to make their prescription drug costs more affordable.
http://www.doctorsfordean.org/prescriptionDrugs.htmlHe has a record of fighting for "low cost generic drugs"... and importation from Canada.