Bush/Cheney is using the focus on the Democratic primaries to push the
Project for a New American Century's agenda--just what Clark warns us is Bush's agenda in his book, "Winning Modern Wars". And at the same time, the reports about the deficit prove that Bush/Cheney are close to succeeding in Starving the Beast: putting us into such a serious, long-term deficit that we can no longer afford Social Security or Medicare.
1. David Kay is saying no, there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. This is the Bush administration's admission of the truth that Clark and Dean have been pointing to for years. It also sets up Kay as someone unfriendly to Bush. BUT Kay is also saying that Bush is not to blame for taking us to war in Iraq! Kay says he would have done the same thing based on the same administration. What a perfect endorsement from an anti-Bush inspector--except he is pro-Bush. Who has vetted Kay's political decision making? Not the American people. He is not a credible source for such a statement.
2. Kay also says that an unknown amount of Saddam's WMD were moved to Syria--which also has a newly-discovered nuclear weapons program. Surely if Bush was right to go into Iraq, he would be careless not to move against Syria in the near future; after all, Kay has just told us that materials were moved to Syria. WHAT IS HIS PROOF? All we have so far is Kay's word. Bush is laying the groundwork for announcing an offensive against Syria shortly after he wins reelection.
3. Now that the Democratic primaries have focused attention on why we did not continue to pursue bin Laden instead of attacking Iraq, there is an announcement of a new military offensive against al Qaeda near and possibly into Pakistan. Bush used attacking Iraq to distract us from pursuing bin Laden; now he is using pursuing bin Laden to distract us from being bogged down in the process of nation-building in Iraq--and from preparing to move against Syria.
Look at how completely accurate General Clark's
testimony was at describing the situation in Iraq, both before the war and after. He is just as correct that Bush/Cheney is executing the Project for a New American Century's agenda. There is no doubt any longer that Clark is right about this: first Iraq, then Syria, and so on through the Middle East.
I don't care who we elect President; we HAVE TO BEAT BUSH. We must stop this runaway elephant! Write your elected officials. Knock on doors. Register voters. Whoever you support for the nomination, be sure in your heart that he is the one you most strongly believe will BEAT BUSH.