John Kerry has voted for every major piece of Civil Rights legislation to come before Congress since 1985, including the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. Kerry received a 100 percent rating from the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People for his work in support of civil rights during the 107th Congress.
Working for African Americans Jobs: There are more than half a million more unemployed African Americans today than at the start of the Bush Administration. The unemployment rate among African Americans has climbed back into double-digits and is the highest it has been in nine years. John Kerry supports efforts that put America back to work and renew our cities through building infrastructure, school construction and modernization, tax credits and cleaning up polluted areas in our country.
Help Small Businesses Succeed: John Kerry would fuel growth in African American-owned businesses by expanding the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program, which opens doors to federal contracting to many African American businesses, and make start-up and venture capital available to African American businesses. Kerry is the most senior Democrat and former chairman of the Small Business Committee and he led the fight to preserve Affirmative Action in federal Small Business assistance.
Protect Workers Right to Organize a Union: Unions provide workers a voice at the workplace and help them organize to wing better wages, benefits and respect from management. John Kerry has strongly supported the right to organize, helping many workers in his home state of Massachusetts organize unions, including Justice for Janitors in the Boston area in their efforts to organize and win health benefits. Kerry also supports card check and neutrality as the fairest way for workers to choose and organize unions.
Increase Homeownership: Homeownership rates among African Americans have not increased significantly during the Bush Administration and less than half of African American families own their own home today. John Kerry introduced the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act to spur the construction new, affordable rental units for low-income, working families. Its goal is to create 1.5 million affordable, mixed-income developments in areas with the greatest opportunities for low-income families over the next decade. And Kerry championed funding for YouthBuild, which helps at-risk youth obtain an education and take responsibility for their lives and their communities. Over the past decade, more than 20,000 YouthBuild students have built more than 7,000 housing units in their neighborhoods. Eighty-five percent of the students who complete the YouthBuild program either secure a job or go on to post-secondary education.
Congressional Black Caucus Cocktail Reception Honors John Kerry of "African-Americans for Kerry" from throughout the country descended upon our nation's capitol the week of September 22nd in a mobilized effort to work as Kerry Whips during the 33rd Annual Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Foundation Legislative Conference.
The successful whipping effort was led by 75 African-Americans from John Kerry's home state of Massachusetts. Proudly adorned with Kerry buttons, Massachusetts "African-Americans for Kerry" attended braintrusts and receptions throughout the week spreading the Kerry message, whipping up support for their native son.
The culminating event was a reception in John Kerry's honor Co-Hosted by CBC Foundation Conference.
Press Releases
January 23, 2004 - Bush is Out of Touch With Americans 19, 2004 - Message From John Kerry Commemorating Martin Luther King's Birthday 16, 2004 - Statement from John Kerry on Bush’s Recess Appointment of Charles Pickering 16, 2004 - Kerry Receives Endorsement of Del. Donna M. Christensen of U.S. Virgin Islands 11, 2004 - Kerry Offers Plan to Celebrate, Strengthen and Enhance America’s Urban Centers 10, 2004 - National African American and Latino Leaders Organize to Help Kerry Win Democratic Nomination 31, 2003 - John Kerry Emphasizes the Possibilities for 2004 December 06, 2003 - Prominent African American Leaders in Virginia Form Committee to Support John Kerry for President 25, 2003 - Kerry: "I have Fought for civil rights And equal opportunity my whole life" 10, 2003 - Kerry Proposes Ways to Reduce Burden on Small Business by Lowering Health Care Costs
News Clips
December 29, 2003 - Kerry pledges more accurate elections 03, 2003 - Kerry Against Bush Majority on High Court 22, 2003 - Looking ahead, Kerry to use carrier as campaign launch 27, 2003 - Ford Decides Early to Endorse Kerry in Race for President
October 03, 2003 - Remarks by John Kerry-The Case of the Bush Majority vs. Justice and Opportunity 05, 2003 - Announcement Speech at Faneuil Hall Rally 02, 2003 - Kerry Announcement Speech 28, 2003 - Remarks by Senator John Kerry -
"Fight for our Economic Future” 20, 2003 - Remarks as Prepared for Delivery, Martin Luther King Day 22, 2002 - Congressional Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust 08, 2002 - 2002 NAACP Legislative Mobilization Conference