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Make Your Voice Heard NOW, Before Feb. 3rd!!

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Nimble_Idea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 12:58 AM
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Make Your Voice Heard NOW, Before Feb. 3rd!!
I think it would be fun to go ahead and predict who will win what
on Feb. 3rd.

For Example . Edwards Win SC. Clark wins OK . etc

My predictions is that Kerry Runs the Table.
he wins every single one.
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Langis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 12:59 AM
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1. "My predictions is that Kerry Runs the Table"
Yep me to.
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Frances Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 01:14 AM
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2. I hope not
I would prefer to see a tighter race because I think it's good that the media cannot ignore the Dem candidates as long as there is uncertainity about the nominee.

I also think if at least two of the candidates look strong, then they could team up as president-vice-president candidates. That way the people who have been energized by the campaign will stick with both candidates instead of one group staying home.

It will also be fun to see the people who are on DU have to bury the hatchet if their candidate teams up with another candidate.
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mikehiggins Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 01:34 AM
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3. Runs the table?
And that would help him how, even if it was possible. He has to win by an overwhelming margin to take control of the delegate process AND he is still a Yankee liberal from Taxachusetts, no matter how many vets he calls up to help his campaign.

The debate is Thursday and he is the frontrunner. It will be his time to get the treatment he gave Howard Dean over and over again. There will be no more of the "nice guy not saying bad things" anywhere.

Dean and Lieberman will go after Kerry, Edwards will go after Clark, Dennis will complain about being ignored and Al will stand grinning quietly, figuring that he's the guy Edwards has to worry about, not Clark.

And then there will be five days in which Kerry will be ripped into little pieces from all sides and he'll be lucky to win Missouri on the 3rd.

Clark will take two states and maybe, just maybe SC. Kerry may get Missouri, but then again Edwards seems to have some strength there.

Sharpton may take S.C. or cripple whoever wins. He may also win Delaware, knocking Lieberman finally out of the race, and becoming the lead story of the whole day.

I doubt very much that anyone will win all seven. If Kerry does he still has to win by a large margin for his victory to make a big difference to his campaign. He has to have the victory sewed up in the delegate count before the convention or the game goes to the pros and then we may hear from Bill Clinton late in the night.

You may see Clinton on one side and Gore/Kennedy on the other. That's when the actual "leadership" of the party would become a significant question.

And at that point, Clark wins. Taa Daa!
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