CNN: All African-American voters should vote as does South Carolina
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Thu Jan-29-04 06:59 AM
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CNN: All African-American voters should vote as does South Carolina |
Just watched a segment on CNN Daybreak, where they reported that the South Carolina African-American vote will "resonate" across the country -- implying that as goes the A-A vote in SC, so it will go across the country.
Frickin' news just wants to control everything.
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Thu Jan-29-04 07:06 AM
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1. No INDIVIDUAL African-American to make up own mind |
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Thu Jan-29-04 07:14 AM
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Yeah, the media surprises me every day with new, fresh reasons why I'd like to kick the shti out of them, were I to bump into them on the street.
Zech Marquis
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Thu Jan-29-04 07:16 AM
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3. CNN's trying to claim I'll vote the same as those in SC? |
man those idiots are delusional :eyes: Now which one of those overdone makeup dolls said that carp? :evilgrin:
Just like that "exclusive" video of OBL and CNN claiming,"we know where he was..." last night...
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Thu Jan-29-04 07:52 AM
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Edited on Thu Jan-29-04 07:53 AM by Mel
this is insulting and riddle me this.....Why didn't CNN have a segment on NH or Iowa How All the Whites vote 'resonates' the country of voting Whites?
I got news for CNN they won't control or manipulate the African-American voters!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:09 AM
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