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If the GOP has RINO's, can we have DINO's? (is Dean a DINO?)

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cryofan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:53 PM
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If the GOP has RINO's, can we have DINO's? (is Dean a DINO?)
Edited on Tue Dec-23-03 04:57 PM by cryofan
The GOP right wing calls Bush a RINO (Republican In Name Only). Sounds about right to me.
However, do we have DINO's?

DINO == Democrat In Name Only

Dean is a DINO, correct?

Or is he a REIN (Republican Except In Name)?

Note that DINO and REIN are not nicknames, but acronymical characterizations helpful to DUers when determining who to vote for.

Anyway, here are some quotes from Dean to support my description of him as a DINO and a REIN:


"Throughout the 1990s, Dean’s cuts in state aid to education ($6 million), retirement funds for teachers and state employees ($7 million), health care ($4 million), welfare programs earmarked for the aged, blind and disabled ($2 million), Medicaid benefits ($1.2 million) and more, amounted to roughly $30 million. Dean claimed that the cuts were necessary because the state had no money and was burdened by a $60 million deficit.9
Most of the Democrats in the legislature rebelled against Dean over the budget cuts, and he ended up depending on Republican votes to pass most of his proposals. At the time, a local Vermont newspaper wrote, "The biggest items on Dean’s agenda for next year are likely to provoke more opposition from the Democrats than the Republicans. Nevertheless, Dean said he feels no particular pressure to deliver the goods to his party or to promote the Democratic agenda."15

In the mid-1990s, Dean even aligned himself with the likes of Republican Newt Gingrich on his stance on cutting Medicare. He opined at the time, "The way to balance the budget is for Congress to cut Social Security, move the retirement age to 70, cut defense, Medicare and veterans pensions, while the states cut everything else."16
The Rutland Herald described how one protestor, Henrietta Jordan of the Vermont Center for Independent Living, "said it would be much fairer to raise taxes on people with expensive homes and cars, children in private school and a housekeeper at home than to cut programs that helped the 66,000 Vermonters living with disabilities."17 Dean responded callously, brushing off the pleas of Vermont’s most vulnerable by saying, "This seems like sort of the last gasp of the left here."18"

The rest of this article is here:

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poskonig Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:55 PM
Response to Original message
1. Look in a mirror.
Clark supporters live in glass house on this issue. I'll leave it at that.
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quinnox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:56 PM
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2. I wouldn't say Dean is a DINO
What I would say is Dean is a phony, and that is what is most bothersome.

He runs as a liberal, while he governed as a down the middle moderate.

There were numerous articles some months ago about people in Vermont not recognizing the new Dean.
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Scott Lee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:59 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. More correctly, he is your nominee to go against Bush hole.
Circle it on your calendar.
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SlavesandBulldozers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
3. no
Dean's not. But Lieberman clearly is a DINO.

The great irony of your post, of course, is that while you are busy casting Dean as a Republican, the Right-wing media is casting Dean as a Socialist. I suppose the truth doesn't matter as long as the mud is being slung.
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CMT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:57 PM
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4. Ok, enough is enough
Edited on Tue Dec-23-03 04:58 PM by CMT
Dean is a Dino and this coming from a Clark supporter. I believe in conversion but remember it is Clark who was praising Bush and raising money for the GOP up to a couple of years ago. It was Clark who voted for Nixon, Reagan, and Bush I. As a Clark supporter if you are going to start with the Dean is a Dino stuff, you are on very shaky ground.
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LuminousX Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 04:59 PM
Response to Original message
6. Let's see
Looking over the people who have endorsed Dean, I don't see one that would endorse a DINO.

Zell Miller is a DINO. Breaux is a DINO.

Dean has worked with the Democratic party for a long time, coming up through the ranks, working with Jimmy Carter and Gephardt.

Try again.
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 05:00 PM
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7. Oh, you are really, really out to destroy
the democrats with that concept. I'm alerting the mods.
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Bucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 05:01 PM
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8. Does that mean Greens have GINOs?
Don't even ask me about what the Whigs would've had.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 05:02 PM
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9. Locking
This is inflammatory.

DU Moderator
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