I don't even have to tune in to know how that'll go.
MATTHEWS: Kerry managed to make it through without saying anything French. He wins.
PEGGY NOONAN: I agree, Chris. And did anyone notice Clark snacking on kittens between questions?
HOWARD FINEMAN: I picked up on that, too, Peggy. Sources close to the campaign tell me he got them from Dean.
FREAKY OLD DEM POLLSTER GUY WITH NASTY FACIAL HAIR: Why isn't anyone listening to me? Edwards is from North Carolina and after much research I've discovered he was born in South Carolina. Do you hear that, Chris? South Carolina!
MATTHEWS: I hear ya.
FREAKY OLD DEM POLLSTER GUY WITH NASTY FACIAL HAIR: Drawing on my vast polling experience, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that may help him in South Carolina next week.
MATTHEWS: So there you have it from our panel of experts. Kerry's not French, Clark and Dean eat kittens, and Edwards is a local boy.