Thanks for pointing out that I'm just too stupid to interpret poll data. Wow, I'm in awe of your superior intelligence.
Could you perhaps try to be just a little more arrogant and condescending? No, actually, I'm not sure that you could.
Well, I can condescend with the best of them, so here goes - let's see if I can put this in terms that even YOU can understand.
I was doing algebra in the first grade, calculus by junior high, and have spent my entire adult life working in math-related fields, so I think I'm quite qualified to interpret poll data, thank you very much.
You, however, in spite of your superiority complex and alleged education, apparently cannot grasp simple mathematical concepts such as "more than half".
First, how much statistical analysis does it actually take to understand that 58% is "more than half"? That would be none.
Since you don't seem to understand this concept, this might help you:
1) 50% = 1/2
2) >50% = >1/2
3) 1/2 = "one half"
4) ">" = "greater than" = "more than"
5) >50% = more than one half
6) 58% > 50%
7) 58% is more one half
It certainly doesn't take an advanced math degree or a statistics professor to understand that 58% is "more than half".
Now, let's see how this applies to my assertion that "most polls" show that half of the American public is pro-Bush.To start, MSNBC today stated: "His (Bush's) personal approval rating rose by 6 percentage points overnight, from 52 percent to
58 percent."
Now, while you have tried to convince me that I'm too stupid to interpret this, my guess here would be that this statement means that
more than half of the respondents are
pro-Bush. That sounds remarkably like what I have asserted previously.
Let's see. Again, this might help you:
1) Approve = Pro (as opposed to Against, or Con, which better describes Bush)
2) 58% > 50%
3) 50% = 1/2
4) 1/2 = "one half"
5) 58% > one half
6) "His" = Bush
Yep, 58%
58%. Wow, that's
more than half! His previous rating, 52%, also happens to be
more than half. What a shock!
Imagine my surprise when I realized that this poll fit my statement both before and after the capture of Saddam. Maybe I'm not as dumb as you think I am.
Oh. But, wait. There's more.
Re: polling report -"THEY have the numbers wrong"Too funny. Let me guess - every poll that doesn't meet your agenda is going to magically "have the numbers wrong", right? You claim to be an expert in statistics, but you can't understand how two completely different samples could vary like this?
Oh, please. You couldn't even be bothered to research the data you posted (see Zogby data below), but we're supposed to accept your word on what data is right and what is wrong? I think not.
Approval ratings and head-to-head polls are more indicative of voter intent and candidate approval than generic re-elect data. On this, apparently we disagree, since you're putting so much stock in re-elect data and pretty much ignoring the rest.
It's my assertion, so I'm going with my theory.
First, approval ratings from some major polls:
ABCNews: approval rating - 57 approval rating - 55, before the capture approval rating - 58, as I already noted News: approval rating - 58 Those all appear to indicate "more than half" of the respondents are for Bush. Interesting. Seems familiar.
Your "data", by the way, Mr. Statistics Professor, appears to have been
pulled out of thin air. Zogby, for example, has Bush at 49% approval as of 12/6/03, not the 46% you seem to have fabricated. little advice: if you're going to quote something as a reference, you should probably bother to look it up.
Next topic: my pessimismYou then pointed out the unbelievable nerve I must have in being pessimistic about Dean's chances against Bush next fall.
Ok, Mr. Statistics god, what does your first-class statistical knowledge and experience tell you about this MSNBC poll result?
52% Bush
31% Dean52/31.
Once again, even though you've asserted that I'm too dumb to interpret these results, I think I can figure this one out on my own. Here's a clue: Dean is 21% behind Bush.
Your superior statistical analysis skills, however, somehow interpreted those numbers differently and led you to the inescapable conclusion that we should see nothing but optimism and sunny days ahead with Bush 21% in the lead.
I cannot fathom how you can possibly believe that, but apparently you do. And, you think that MY logic has problems? You're living in a fantasy world where a 21% hole isn't cause for concern, and you're questioning MY logic?
Then, you inexplicably accuse me of spin. Spinning what? A 21% hole? Gee, how dare I think that a 21% lead for Bush is a bad thing!
Well, you know what? It is a bad thing. A 21% lead over our front-runner is most certainly cause for concern. If you want to lose next fall's election in a landslide, that's fine - feel free to hop, skip, jump and smile your blissful way to a possible 20 point loss.
Some of us want to win, however. That means looking at unpleasant facts like Bush's 20% lead. That means looking for reasons for that lead and not just glossing over it, assuming all is well.
By the way, those MSNBC results have been posted by numerous other DUers today. So, I guess that you're saying that every single one of those posters is wrong, and you're right.
Actually, come to think of it - that's exactly what you're saying. We must be in that group you mentioned that can't possibly understand what we're seeing. I guess we're the slow class.
So, so far you've nitpicked my previous links because of a couple of percentage points (49/51 +/-3, for example, which apparently cannot ever exceed 50 in your world - Bush's approval always stops at 49.9%), you fabricated poll results, ignored links to polls that show my assertion was accurate, and you acted like you're God's gift to political statistics, all while insinuating that I'm just too stupid to understand.
Wow, what a performance. I don't think you could have been wrong on more levels if you'd tried to do so intentionally.
And, then you accuse me of being a "weasel" and argue that "simple facts" elude me. Hilarious. Next, I'll be scurrying like a cockroach.
Simple facts, hmm? Simple facts like "58% is more than half"? Simple things like bothering to actually provide "real" data instead of numbers you just made up or were too lazy to confirm?
If you had bothered to actually read my original post, you'd have noted that I said the following, "According to
most polls"
Most, not all. Not every. Not 100%. Most.
I realize now that I was wrong to question your convictions. It is obvious that they are rock solid and unassailable by mere facts.
I've provided you with documentation that supports this claim. You provided nothing to disprove my assertion, but you did manage to make a couple of personal attacks.
Frankly, Mr. Professor, you have no clue who I am or what I know about statistics. You're not the only one on Earth who understands them, so I would suggest that you quit acting like it. Your condescension and arrogance help neither you nor your candidate.
Speaking of statistics for a moment, wouldn't you agree that picking and choosing which data to accept and which data to ignore based entirely on personal feelings or preconceived intended results is most definitely NOT going to lead to solid statistical analysis?
Don't look now, but that's exactly what you've been doing.
You've discarded or flatly ignored data which supports my assertion, posted only data that you believe will prove your claim, and even fabricated or at least misrepresented at least one piece of information.
Apparently, your understanding of solid statistical data isn't any better than you perceived mine to be.
Don't claim that your statistical background makes your opinion better than mine if you're not willing to apply those principles to the topic at hand. Obviously, in this case, you did not.
I looked at all of the available data before forming my opinion and posting my assertions.
Can you honestly make the same claim of your response?
Mods: frankly, I fully expect this post to get deleted, and if you feel that deleting it is necessary, I apologize for the inconvenience. This guy just picked the wrong day to attack me with this ridiculous, petty, irrelevant nonsense. I honestly have no clue why I wasted my time on this....