Everybody But Bush.
I don't hate any of our candidates. I don't really like Lieberman that much, but he's not as bad as some say he is. That being said, I would like to propose a new movement, the EBB movement. I think that once the nominee/VP are chosen, our candidates past and present (including Graham and CMB) should all campaign together. We could swarm the nation with appearances, covering 11 states at any given time and presenting the appearance of a juggernaut that people would be drawn to.
I think some people are turned off by the Democratic party because we are perceived as being weak and disorganized. With a small army of nominees and former candidates we could present a huge united front on a personal level. Imagine someone in a swing state turning on the TV news and hearing "Senator Graham will be visiting tomorrow, followed by General (or Pres. candidate) Clark on Thursday and a two day appearance by Dennis Kucinich over the weekend". I think that would be really great.
Obviously the reward for all these people would be a defeat of Bush, however they could also be promised posts in the Democratic cabinet as well.