While we all may think its "cool", it's a general election loser. 75% of America would be less likely to vote for a candidate that is supported by a group called "Dykes for Dean".
Is that so now?
"What beat me was more homosexual money than in any race in history, including from a group called Lesbians for Motherhood."
-- Bob Dornan (R-Calif.), after losing to pro-gay Loretta Sanchez (in a not-so-liberal bastion of Southern California, I might add)
You aren't helping your candidate. Should you be ashamed of your orientation? Absolutely not.... but you don't help your candidate anymore than a "Bible-thumpers for Bush" group would help Chimp-boy.
So we should be ashamed instead of being
publicly proud of who we are, and
open about our support?
I'll make a note to warn the NAACP about that. A lot of folks don't like "those people" either, and I sure would hate to see "Black Folks for Kerry" ruin the frontrunner's chances. :eyes:
If Rove succeeds in making it about Gay Marriage... we lose.
"If? In case you haven't noticed, it already
is an issue -- and we uppity homos weren't the ones who
made it an issue this election year.
Now, you can just pretend this "issue" doesn't exist, and hope it goes away -- thereby giving the Radical Right carte blanche to frame the debate any damned way they please -- or you can pull your head out of the sand and fight alongside us.
I would
like to think we would have your support because it is the right thing to do. But I'll put it to you in a way that you may understand much better: If you see us as such a liability to the Democratic Party, then consider your unapologetic, aggressive support of gay rights as your contribution to "damage control."
If there's one thing far too many Democrats do to the detriment of all, it's choosing the defense instead of the offense, nearly every time. And when they can't come up with a good defense, they skirt the issue.
Have you ever thought about taking the
offense for a change? Working to make the Repukes' slimy tactics backfire in their faces?
In your view, backing gay rights is a losing proposition. The truth is,
not backing gay rights is not only blind, unfair, and
morally wrong; it is a gift to the Repukes. You're running for cover, leaving the field wide open for them to turn this or any other oh-so-touchy issue into anything they want.
that is
really a losing proposition.