You guys, let's email the media to tell them their bias is
AP feedback link:"Call to Action for Kossack Clarkies Addendum
by tameszu
Fri Jan 30th, 2004 at 04:16:37 GMT
You've probably already read the email I sent to Chris Matthews about their lack of debate coverage on General Clark's (finally!) very strong debate performance.
I just realized that there is an even bigger problem: Clark is getted shafted even harder by the AP, whose wire report/poll article give Clark one line in its bottom paragraph--and this story is the one that will of course be used as the wellspring of coverage on the debate for resource-short papers and lazy journalists all across the country.
Please let the AP's National Desk know about this. I'm not sure if this is the right number, but the AP's site seems to suggest 212-621-1600 as the most promising number."
(From Daily Kos)
AP feedback link: