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Where We are , and where I'm at

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Capn Sunshine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 12:27 AM
Original message
Where We are , and where I'm at
We've seen a lot of press in the past couple of days that seems to
concede this thing to John Kerry. It took the republicans to knock
some sense back into me. This is usually the case. We can be
involved in a titanic ideological struggle about shades of the
political spectrum and the republicans pop up and render all
arguments moot as we are reminded what this is about.

Nine of our American kids that their families sacrificed to bring
into this world, struggled to educate them, fought for their right
to stay drug free, instilled with the values of American morality,
strength with restraint, and defense of freedom, nine of these kids
were killed today in Iraq. Yesterday, three died. Forever removed
from our society. Yet, the outcry from Senator Kerry, where is it?
Is it wrong of me to expect a little remorse out of respect to those
brave soldiers? I already know this is not something I will hear
from Bush and Cheney.

The media is still calling us the "anti-war crowd" because we don't
seem to accept that a WAR in IRAQ is justifiable on any level, let
alone the primary lie foisted upon us that we eliminated
an "imminent threat". If we were so bent on doing this as a society;
i.e. removing imminent threats, wouldn't we start with our OWN
causes and effects, the gang murders right here at home? Tens of
thousands more Americans were killed last year by gang violence than
in the attacks of 9-11 , yet we mobilize every resource at our
command to avenge those unfortunate deaths on a September day.
Currently, nothing is being done or said in the media about the gang
killings. This is every bit as much an act of terrorism as any
Moslem extremist planning to kill Americans. Every day, thousands of
gang members plan to do the same thing. Yet the resources we could
use to fight this scourge are all consumed by a War Machine that
grows ever hungrier. Currently that machine is demanding we feed it
3-4 of our kids per day, and if we get behind it makes up for it
with volume. The question becomes, whose kids do we want to be next?

WHEN DOES THIS MADNESS STOP? The war machine has consumed and FAILED
Yet we propose to spend a Hundred billion MORE, we focus on health
care, infrastructure and education of a population in the Middle
East, while we see more and more layoffs here at home to pay for
this. In the meantime it is OUR Health care, infrastructure and
education that suffers. We seem determined to construct as many
nuclear weapons possible at a cost of millions each, yet our schools
are wanting for lack of pencils and paper.

Our current leaders tell us that this is the price of freedom. This
is how America must now be. That everything is different now. Is it
really? I recall in the not too distant past, an entire economic
system characterized by Ronald Reagan as an "Evil Empire" collapsed
from the continued pursuit of empire and armament. Yet this is the
path we are on in America today, as the Machine has learned: we must
find NEW enemies to replace the vanquished, in order to stoke its
fires, and too feed its gaping maw that growls for fresh flesh daily.

Into this debate I ask: has our "rage" been quelled because the
corporate media tells us again that "this turns off the voters"? Is
Howard Dean the only candidate who can see through this sham?

It would seem so. The great forces that massed against us in these
past two weeks remind me anew of the fight we are facing: we are
engaged in a battle to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! WE ARE MAD AS HELL!! I
say this isn't Over UNTIL WE ACCOMPLISH THAT! To gamely accede to
things, to find ourselves rolling over AGAIN, this is something I

I knew a year ago what I still know today: Howard Dean has the
vision to see things as they are. We were outside then, and John
Kerry was at 35% in the polls. Today, we are outside, and John Kerry
is at 35% at the polls.

But things are different this time. In that past year, we set record
after record for donations collected! We motivated hundreds of
thousands to rejoin the political fight, many who had given up, and
many to come to the fight for the first time! We've experienced the
thrill of taking it to them, of slapping them upside their heads and
jarring them out of their somnambulant complacency!

But it has come at a heavy cost. We have just experienced the full
force and fury of an establishment counter attack so fierce, so
strong, that we were left dazed and reeling. Our very core has been
shaken, our general killed in action.

The smoke of that attack has cleared, and hey, guess what? WE MADE
IT THROUGH! We are stronger and wiser, and let me tell you, hardly
ready to surrender.
If anything, I'm even madder! WE CAN FIGHT AGAIN! WE MUST! WE WILL!

The time, my friends, is here. We reassemble and prepare. Our new
General is laying the plan. We fight on, and remember those of us we
have lost along the way, for it is for them we fight. The kids over
there, the ones who aren't coming back. We have broached the battle
and emerged tempered and strengthened. What I say now is: show them
what we're made of. Remember who we are. Remember our cause is just;
that we have the support of millions worldwide. Let's show these
guys what happens when they mess with us. Let them recall that they
tried to take us out, and failed. Let them see what OUR battle is
like. And so we go, again my friends, again.


btw we have raised 1.5 million in the past two days.

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kayob1 Donating Member (116 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 12:30 AM
Response to Original message
1. Great post!
Thank you
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Capn Sunshine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thank you for the kick!
Write some postcards!
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nbsmom Donating Member (419 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 12:55 AM
Response to Original message
3. Thank you
And the other poster is right...share your eloquence with someone who otherwise might buy the "electability" of Kerry or Edwards.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 01:01 AM
Response to Original message
4. Thanks for this post. It's a good pep talk......and true. I'm trying to
Edited on Fri Jan-30-04 01:03 AM by KoKo01
deal with all this. I just can't get over an election year I was looking forward to turned out to be stopped dead in January. All the debates and the excitement and it was it was declared over by the Media and the "Establishment," with only two states voting, in just one month.

It's a terrible blow. And it's hard that so many here don't see Iraq as a problem. Get over it and move on.

We heard that before. And, it seems no one notices that this is what happened to Gore. They tried to break him and when they couldn't they had to take it to the Supremes to get what they wanted.

I feel used and manipulated. Propped up with false hope and slapped down. The war was fine....just move along. We can focus on getting a "chicken in every pot" and there will be a rage in Harley buying.

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Capn Sunshine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 01:09 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Reading DU , you wouldn't even know there is a Hot War killing our kids
for absolutely NO DAMN REASON! :grr:
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shance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:45 AM
Response to Original message
6. *** Wonderful post.
Much needed. Much appreciated.

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Hoppin_Mad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-30-04 02:51 AM
Response to Original message
7. Thanks for the brilliant post -nt-
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